Horse Microbiome, Dentistry, And More – Podcast #063

The Equine Practice Inc, The Horse's Advocate

In this podcast, I talk about a variety of subjects. Some I have discussed in detail elsewhere, and some are new. These subjects include the microbiome of horses (and what we know in humans), prebiotics and probiotics (and what I will be taking), what happens to sugar in the diet, how body fat forms, and why excess body fat is unhealthy.

I also share my adventures with floating horses and meeting equine dentists this past week. Some were inspiring, and others were frustrating.

I end by briefly discussing ketones, where horses get their dietary fat and my upcoming use of exogenous ketones.

This eclectic assortment of horse subjects should pique your curiosity about what else there is to know about our horses and, more importantly, how true and accurate our beliefs are.

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