Hormesis, Rapamycin and Horses – Podcast #025

The Equine Practice Inc, The Horse's Advocate

All things in life experience an ebb and flow much like the seasons, the loss of leaves of the oak tree, the tides or the birth and death of all living things. What seems to be the challenge for all of us and our horses are not just having a long life but being healthy through that life. All things go through a period of stress physically, which helps us remain healthy. This stress triggers functions within the cells to clean up and repair the damage.

The pieces are coming together in human studies, and these data are in lab animals, too – so I assume horses as well. However, beliefs need to be changed to gain the healthy ebb and flow required for cell maintenance. This flux becomes hard to do when we want to nurture our horses with continuous access to food. However, once the reality of what continuously feeding our horses causes in them, it will become easier to try to adapt what we know now in science to how we care for our horses.

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