Colic In The Horse – A HorseTalk™ Webcast


Colic pain usually comes from the abdomen of the horse.

This was a FREE hour-long web broadcast via Google Hangouts and Webinar Jam, where I discussed colic in the horse.

Even though my veterinary practice is limited to horsemanship-based traditional equine dentistry, I love to teach and use this time to help horse owners understand what they feel is a complicated issue.

Here are the key points:

  • There are only TWO types of colics: Medical and Surgical
  • Knowing the difference is important in determining a course of action.
  • The time it takes to get a horse to surgery is directly proportional to the outcome’s success.
  • It is better to take a surgical horse (high heart rate, pain unresponsive to medication) to surgery than to wait for signs to progress.

Join me now and learn the basics of colic and how to save money and possibly your horse’s life.

Notice the hoof marks in the sawdust. The circular drag marks can occur for many reasons, including an uneasy horse with colic.

The replay of this webinar is available to members of The Horse’s Advocate. Members get more details in the Forums, Rounds, and AMAs and can add comments anywhere. Discover membership here.

Join us today to “Help Horses Thrive In A Human World.”

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